Why Is Marble Preferred For Ovens?
Rolling out the crust for your cherry pie can be an easy, almost soothing moment. After sprinkling a little flour on your smooth, cool marble countertop, use your favorite rolling pin to make it just thick enough. If your countertop is bumpy and warms quickly, then you lose control over the quality of your crust and the pie may not look or taste as good. So, why is marble a must-have for baking? Marble makes the perfect countertop for baking because it can stay cool while you are working on it with dough. It doesn’t compromise the texture or consistency of the foundation of your creation, whether that be a pie, a pizza dough, or pastry due to a rise in temperature during folding, kneading, or rolling. Marble’s smooth, durable qualities make it the ideal surface for baking. Marble does have a porous quality, but if it is